Before deciding on your loved one’s care options, it pays to know some facts about Skilled Nursing services too! MYTH: TOO MANY MEDICATIONS ARE GIVEN TO PATIENTS. FACT: A patient’s quality of care involves properly treating them with medications that … Continue reading

Skilled Nursing Care seems to be plagued with rumors. Let’s clarify these myths one by one! MYTH: THEY DON’T PROVIDE QUALITY HEALTH CARE. DEBUNKED: You can find peace knowing that your loved ones are receiving quality care by medical and … Continue reading
Adult Stuttering: Helpful Advice to Manage Stutter Problem

Have you seen the Oscar-winning film ‘The King’s Speech? If you haven’t, well, it narrates the story of England’s King George VI who had a stuttering problem and how he struggled to overcome his fear of speaking before the people … Continue reading
Adult Incontinence: What are the proper techniques in changing a diaper?

When health caregivers discuss the topic about changing diapers among your elderly loved ones who are bedridden or incontinent, oftentimes family members might feel that sense of discomfort to a taboo subject especially when it is seen as a stigma … Continue reading
Why are Caregivers Important?

Contemplating on whether to hire a caregiver for your elders or not? Here are some tips as to why caregivers are needed for every elders: They Provide What do they provide? Care. The word “care” is not an understatement. Rather, … Continue reading
How Speech Therapists Can Help You

Want to know more about how speech therapists can help you? Here are some of the things that you should know. Speech Capacity Evaluation Licensed speech therapists are the ones to check on the speech condition of the person. They … Continue reading